

Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: 请安排一个约会 握手时间表.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 the office to schedule an appointment.



电子邮件: careerservices@chinacarmodel.com

认识团队 Map


服务 for 雇主 and Organizations

欧洲杯买球就业服务中心欢迎并鼓励雇主从我校125多个专业的合格校友和学生中招聘. 我们的服务旨在帮助组织与合格的申请人建立联系,并为学生提供探索补充和支持其学术目标的职业选择的机会. 我们欢迎符合条件的组织,并提供以下服务,以支持我们的机构使命:

  • Job postings on 握手 (U of I’s on-line job/internship database)
  • Rooms and scheduling assistance for on-campus interviews
  • Conference room and tables for information sessions (up to five times per semester)
  • Advertising for information sessions and on-campus interviews
  • 人才招聘会往往会 and Vandal 网络的夜晚
  • Assistance developing or improving internship programs
  • Assistance connecting with academic faculty
  • 有机会参加我们的杰出雇主合作计划,获得量身定制的品牌服务,并有机会与目标学生群体建立联系.

Eligibility Requirements to Recruit at U of I

就业服务中心致力于为科罗拉多大学的学生和校友提供高质量的实习和工作机会. 为了确保校园招聘是专业的,我们制定了以下政策, fair and ethical experience for students and recruiters.

  • 当职业服务中心确定招聘实体是具有可核实商业名称的合法实体时,招聘实体将有资格获得雇主服务, 物理地址, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 联系人及网址.
  • 班.S. 实体应提供, to the reasonable satisfaction of 职业服务 staff, 证明他们有能力履行就业义务的书面证据,以证明被雇用的I大学候选人.
  • 使用大学的设施和服务进行招聘活动的批准由就业服务中心或指定的大学代表批准,如果违反上述任何招聘政策,可能会被撤销. 允许使用学校设施并不意味着学校同意或认可这些政策, practices or products/services of the recruiting entity.

Entities that recruit at University of Idaho must adhere to:

  • U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 规例及指引
  • University of Idaho’s Policy of Nondiscrimination in the 教职员手册3200
  • University of Idaho’s Policies for Classroom Use (APM 35.35E)及征求意见(APM 20.12)
  • National Association of Colleges and 雇主   Principles for Ethical Professional Practice
  • 雇主必须通过职业服务中心协调所有的校园招聘活动,并与大学就招聘过程进行合作.e., including providing the names of any U of I candidates interviewed and hired).
  • 雇主不得出于招聘目的以外的任何原因使用或披露学生信息. 这限制了向其他实体出售学生信息以获取费用或其他形式的补偿.
  • 雇主 must clearly identify the name of the employing entity, 职称, 在职业服务系统上发布职位时的职位描述和薪酬率/方法.
  • 雇主 cannot impose any fees or costs upon the university or its students (i.e., 培训费用, 表示供应, 销售工具, 租赁费用, 工作经验, 前期金融投资, etc.). Fees charged by third parties for required and bona fide occupational qualifiers, such as background check for educators, 是允许的.
  • 雇主不得在招聘过程中招揽或出售产品/服务(APM 20.12).
  • 雇主 cannot require recruitment of other members as the primary source of income (i.e. multi-level marketing, pyramid schemes).

Specific Entity Eligibility Articulation

Eligibility for employer services may vary based on the type of organization recruiting. Special consideration has been made for the following types of entities:

Commission, Sales and Financial Industry Compensation

雇主 using the 职业服务 will offer regular/base salaries for positions. As noted above, a draw against future earnings does not constitute a salary. 雇主 offering commission-based positions may post job listing on the “握手” site, 只要他们:

  • 是全职的工作机会吗?
  • Require or prefer some level of college education
  • 在“握手”网站的招聘启事中注明这个机会是委托的
  • Clearly define how the position will be paid in the job posting on the “握手” site (e.g. “Paid by the piece” or “Paid as a percentage of sales”)

No commission-based on part-time or internship positions will be posted, unless approved by the 职业服务 Office on a case-by-case basis.


第三方招聘人员是中介机构, organizations or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own needs. 这些实体包括收集学生信息以向雇主披露招聘和就业目的的实体. 第三方招聘人员有资格获得由就业服务中心提供的全面雇主服务,并可以在伊利诺伊大学招聘, 前提是该实体或个人:

  • Identifies the name of the employer it is recruiting for on all job postings, 并包括职位名称, description and rate/means of compensation.
  • 与学校合作,核实与雇主的第三方招聘关系.
  • 为大学提供有关被录取的大学候选人的信息,包括雇主和薪水.
  • Does not disclose candidate information without written permission of the candidate.
  • 不为特定职位的招聘目的以外的原因使用或披露候选人信息.


Entities recruiting for door-to-door sales positions may not recruit on-campus, nor may they post positions on 握手.


Entities recruiting for independent contractor positions may not recruit on-campus, nor may they post positions on 握手.


A person being paid on a 1099 basis is a consultant, not an employee. 以1099为基础向个人支付的实体将根据具体情况进行评估和考虑.


网络营销组织不被认为是I大学招聘的雇主,没有资格获得雇主服务,也不能在校园招聘. 该大学将网络营销组织归类为从事以下一种或多种实践的组织:

  • 赞助个人开办自己的业务,以销售产品或服务及/或招募他人开办自己的业务.
  • Requiring an initial investment from individuals (e.g. required fees, payment for orientation or training session, and/or purchase of a starter kit).
  • Compensation in the form of straight commission, fees from others under their sponsorship and/or a percentage of sales generated by others.
  • 要求员工收集并存入组织保留的费用总额,然后将剩余部分作为工资净额发放.


University policy prohibits discrimination in hiring and/or recruiting on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, sex, 性取向, 性别认同/表达式, age, 残疾或退伍军人身份. 大学保留拒绝发布不符合大学招聘政策或不符合大学或学生利益的职位的权利. The university also reserves the right to change, 修改, or add criteria to these recruiting policies as needed.

职业服务 provides a referral service. It does not make recommendations regarding employers or organizations. 就业服务中心对通过本办公室招聘或发布的职位不作任何陈述或保证,也不对安全负责, 工资, 工作条件或其他与工作相关的问题. 我们敦促学生在申请或接受工作机会时对用人单位进行尽职调查. 如果觉得自己受到歧视,大一的学生和校友有义务寻求信息和法律代理, or mistreated in the employment process or workplace.


欲了解更多信息,请 给雇主关系组发邮件 或致电208-885-6121.





Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: 请安排一个约会 握手时间表.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 the office to schedule an appointment.



电子邮件: careerservices@chinacarmodel.com

认识团队 Map